I know it’s been a lot of times, because I’ve been in your shoes myself, wanting to give up.
But those thoughts didn’t stop me: I knew I could get good enough to stand out in the micropigmentation market.
In fact, that moment only made me realize that I had never really studied a technique to the point of staying with it for a long time.
So I was always jumping from branch to branch, learning a little bit of each thing, but nothing made sense because I was trying to put together a puzzle with the wrong pieces.
So I made the decision to really study and understand the principles and foundations of micropigmentation.
That’s how Brazilian Shadow was born, my technique that has a clear and objective step-by-step process, so that you never feel lost in the process again and never have any doubts about the result you’re going to deliver!
Now you can learn Brazilian Shadow online, reviewing each step and seeing everything in detail with the methodology I created, the 4S methodology.
The 4S methodology is designed so that you learn through the 4 Senses, always being clear about what you are seeing, feeling and hearing.
In all the lessons you’ll get detailed images of the processes, the pixels and implantation, the movement used and the noise of the machine, which will clearly show you if you’re on the right layer of skin and with the right hand pressure for the best result.
In the online course, you’ll have a better experience than in any other format!
Lesson 1- Welcome to students and instructions
Lesson 2- Characteristics of the Brazilian Shadow technique
Lesson 3- Benefits of the Brazilian Shadow technique
Lesson 1- Common reactions that should be normalized during the procedure
Lesson 2- Diagnosis of your client’s skin
Lesson 3- Skin types and the necessary adaptations for each one.
Lesson 1- Equipment that can be used in the procedure
Lesson 2- Types of needles and their indicated thickness for the Brazilian Shadow technique
Lesson 3- Needle adjustment required for better implantation
Lesson 1- Clarity on inks
Lesson 2- Chemical groups of pigments
Lesson 3- Organic pigments
Lesson 4- Inorganic pigments
Lesson 5- Concept of hybridism
Lesson 6- Color index
Lesson 7- Assertive pigment bases for long-lasting colors
Lesson 8- Manipulating colors for all skin tones
Lesson 1- How to get the ideal pixels
Lesson 2- How to hold and position your camera correctly
Lesson 3- How to stretch the skin correctly during the procedure
Lesson 4- Pendulum movement and its possible maneuvers
Lesson 5- How to train on EVA and latex
Lesson 1- Gradient effect by number of passes
Lesson 2- Definition marking
Lesson 3- Intensity marking
Lesson 4 – Step-by-step training on latex
Lesson 1- The importance of having a controlled inflammatory process
Lesson 2- Instructions for post-procedure care
Lesson 3- Healing process in the first 30 days of the procedure
Lesson 4- How and when to touch up
Lesson 1- Aligning professional and client expectations
Lesson 2- Changing the client’s view of touchup
Lesson 3- Design construction and alignment with the client
Lesson 4- Confidence and dominance at the time of the procedure
The follow-up will consist of 4 live meetings, in which I will do specific skins, analyzing each client’s cases and their difficulties, bringing you the HEALED RESULT of those same cases so that you can follow the whole real process and showing the adjustments and touch-ups.
Moreover, the follow-up is a space for you to ask any questions you may have.
E agora você pode aprender a Brazilian Shadow de forma Online, revisando cada passo, vendo tudo em detalhes e com a metodologia que eu criei, a 4S, para que você tenha uma experiência ainda melhor no Online do que de qualquer outro modo.
A metodologia 4S foi feita para que você aprenda através dos 4 Sentidos, sempre tendo clareza sobre o que você está vendo e ouvindo.
Em todas as aulas você terá imagens detalhadas dos processos, com detalhes dos pixels e da implantação, do movimento utilizado e do barulho do dermógrafo, que vai te mostrar com clareza se você está na camada correta da pele e com o peso de mão que vai te proporcionar o melhor resultado.
E agora você pode aprender a Brazilian Shadow de forma Online, revisando cada passo, vendo tudo em detalhes e com a metodologia que eu criei, a 4S, para que você tenha uma experiência ainda melhor no Online do que de qualquer outro modo.
A metodologia 4S foi feita para que você aprenda através dos 4 Sentidos, sempre tendo clareza sobre o que você está vendo e ouvindo.
Em todas as aulas você terá imagens detalhadas dos processos, com detalhes dos pixels e da implantação, do movimento utilizado e do barulho do dermógrafo, que vai te mostrar com clareza se você está na camada correta da pele e com o peso de mão que vai te proporcionar o melhor resultado.
And before you go thinking that this is too good to be true and making up all sorts of things in your head so that you don’t make the right decision, I have one last thing to show you.
Today there are more than 20.000 Brazilian Shadow students who have understood the power of the technique and are already applying it, reaching places they never imagined before.
You can’t go without watching these videos.
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